$28.$ $A$
- Những câu đầu của đoạn văn: "Learning a new language is always an excellent idea. It provides you incredible benefits that come with the backing of science! One of the most useful languages to learn is English".
$29.$ $D$
- cognitive $≈$ intellectual (n.): lí trí, nhận thức.
$30.$ $D$
- "Learning another language offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to keep the mind active and even reducing the risk of mental disease and slowing mental decline later in life".
$31.$ $B$
- "Learning multiple languages can help you communicate more clearly in any language as you learn more about how language itself works and how to use it to promote ideas and reach out to others in a variety of social and work situations".
$32.$ $A$
- "It helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's- Nó giúp ngăn ngừa chứng mất trí nhớ và bệnh Alzheimer's": trong bài văn không có đề cập đến kết quả này khi ta học tiếng Anh.
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