Shroud Valorant Crosshair & Settings


Shroud Valorant Crosshair và Settings

Michael Grzesiek, more commonly known by his stage name Shroud, is globally renowned as one of the most popular streamers. Having achieved numerous tournament victories and established himself as one of North America's foremost players, he made the decision to tát transition into full-time streaming in April 2018. Making a formal announcement of his retirement from professional gaming on that day, he then left Cloud 9 where he was previously signed as both an active roster thành viên and streamer. In the summer of 2022 he briefly joined Sentinels’ professional Valorant roster to tát play in the LCQ.

Shroud's Valorant Crosshair Settings

Shroud's ability to tát master the Valorant crosshair has been paramount in his success, granting him unrivaled precision and accuracy.

How vì thế i get Shroud's Valorant crosshair?

"Shroud" yourself in victory by using his pre-made crosshair code in the "import profile" field of your game settings! Just copy and paste it to tát get started.

shroud Valorant crosshair

Shroud Valorant crosshair code:


shroud Valorant crosshair

Build Valorant strategies lượt thích shroud!

Beat your enemies with this Valorant strategy maker tool, which lets build your own Valorant strats including all the agents abilities. No more guessing - we have all lineups of each Valorant map ready to tát go! You had an amazing day in the xế hộp on how to tát vì thế a 1 vs 2 on a certain map? No problem quickly build your strategy and share it with your friends with a simple links.

valorant mapping tool

Change your Valorant crosshair manually


Color: Cyan

Crosshair Color: #00FFFF

Outlines: On

Outline Thickness: 1

Center Dot: Off

Center Dot Opacity: Off

Center Dot Thickness: 0

Inner Lines

Show Inner Lines: On

Inner Line Opacity: 1

Inner Line Length: 6

Inner Line Thickness: 2

Inner Line Offset: 4

Movement Error: Off

Firing Error: Off

Firing Error Multiplier: 0

Outer Lines

Show Outer Lines: Off

Movement Error: Off

Firing Error: Off

Confused on how to tát add your crosshair in Valorant? Our post, "Valorant Crosshair - The Ultimate FAQs in 2023" has all the answers you need.

Shroud Valorant Keybinds

Walk: L-Shift

Crouch: L-Ctrl

Jump: Space / Mouse Wheel Down

Use Object: F

Equip PrimarX Weapon: 1

Equip Secondary Weapon: 2

Equip Melee Weapon: 3

Equip Spike: 4

Use/Equip Ability: 1 : C

Use/Equip Ability: 2 : Q

Use/Equip Ability: 3 : E

Use/Equip Ability: Ultimate : X

Shroud Valorant Map settings:

Rotate: Rotate

Fixed Orientation: Based On Side

Keep Player Centered: Off

Minimap Size: 1.03

Minimap Zoom: 1

Minimap Vision Cones: On

Show Map Region Names: Always

Shroud Monitor Settings

Shroud's optimizes his đoạn phim settings for performance while maintaining a gameplay experience.

Display mode: Fullscreen

Resolution: 2560x1440

Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Refresh rate: Unknown

Aspect ratio method: Fill

Shroud Valorant Video Settings

Shroud has a high powered setup and utilizes it for great performance while not crippling the gaming experience.

Multithreaded Rendering: On

Material Quality: Low

Texture Quality: High

Detail Quality: Low

UI Quality: Med

Vignette: Off

VSync: Off

Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 4x

Anisotropic Filtering: 8x

Improve Clarity: On

Experimental Sharpening: Off

Bloom: Off

Distortion: Off

Cast Shadows: On

Enemy highlight color: Red (Default)

Shroud Mouse Settings

Shroud uses a Logitech G303 Shroud Edition Wireless Gaming Mouse, a mouse from his merch line:

DPI: 400

Sensitivity: 0.8

eDPI: 320

Zoom sensitivity: 1

Hz: 1,000

Windows sensitivity: 6

Raw Input Buffer: 1 (ON)

Now that you have tweaked your crosshair and game settings just lượt thích the pros, all that's left is to tát hone your strategies and sharpen up those skills with practice! Check out our Valorant strategy plannerand improve your executes!


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